Ons team.

  • Nicolas Decrêm

    België +32 478 09 65 48
  • Anouk Koops

    Marketing & Communications
    Nederland +31 6 41902736
  • Nona Vandenbilcke

    België +32 487 90 71 09
  • Maaike Woustra

    Sales & Education
    Nederland ‪+31 6 21690058‬
  • Nathaniël Lauwen

    Sales & Education
    België & Nederland +32 472 77 75 21
  • Zoë Van Vilsteren

    Sales & Education

It all started in Canada, 2009

Shane Price, the Canadian founder of Green Circle Salons, is sounding the alarm. Hairdressers have no means of recycling the waste from their salons, so tonnes of usable materials end up in the bin. Shane's passion for the beauty industry, scientific background and love of nature combine to form the ideal formula for a sustainable solution: Green Circle Salons.

Today, the global community counts 16 000 hairdressers. And we continue to build on that in Benelux.

Ready to create beauty, not waste?

Join the community!

Onze planeet heeft betrokken leiders nodig. Sluit je aan bij us.r
dan 16.000 Waste Warriors over de hele wereld die de mensen en
de planeet mooi houden.

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